PANCE prep plan

As I approach the end of my studies in PA school, I have begun considering what and how I should focus on preparing for the PANCE. Some Of the resources I hope to use are Pance prep pearls, rosh review, and uworld. I found these resources to be very helpful for my didactic year and clinical studying and have heard it to be extremely helpful in preparing for the pance. I plan to take 4-8 weeks to study for the PANCE. Each day I hope to complete 8 hours of studying. I would like to review topics in the beginning of the day and then take a practice exam on those topics at the end of the day on what I have learned. I also hope to take a 300 question exam every sunday to prepare me for the length of the PANCE.

One area I scored very low on in the EOC was GYN which made sense to me as I have not completed my OBGYN rotation yet and therefore am least knowledgeable in this subject. Another area I hope to improve on would be psychiatry as I also scored the lowest on this subject. There were a lot of ethical questions and scenarios that I had struggled to answer on the EOC. I hope to find some practice questions  mimicking those types of questions as well.

XCardiology review, 60 Questions RoshCardiology review, 60 Questions UworldPulm review, 60 Questions RoshPulm review, 60 Questions UworldEndo review, 60 questions roshRest
300 uworld question testGI review, 60 question uworldGI review 60 question roshGI review 60 question roshNeuro review, 60 question RoshReview last weeks 300 question testRest
300 rosh question testNeuro review, 60 question roshNeuro review, 60 question uworldDERM review, 60 question uworldDERM review, 60 question roshReview last weeks 300 question testRest
300 uworld question testMSK/rheum review, 60 question roshMSK/rheum  review, 60 question roshPsych review, 60 QPsych review, 60 QReview last weeks 300 question testRest
300 rosh question testPsych review, 60 QGU, reproductive, 60 Q roshGU reporductive, 60 Q roshRenal review, 60 Q uworldReview last weeks 300 question testRest
300 uworld question testRevisit missed questions on roshRevisit missed questions on uworld150 mixed topic questions uworld150 mixed topic questions uworldReview last weeks 300 question testRest
300 rosh question test150 mixed topic questions rosh150 mixed topic questions roshRESTPANCE

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