- What differences do you note between the two H&Ps?
I find that my first H&P was more about my history taking and being able to gather the information regarding the issue that brought my patient in that day. My second H&P, I was able to focus on asking the correct questions regarding each body system related to my patients chief complaint. I was able to actually do a physical exam on the patient that was more centered around the primary issue and not just at random.
- In what ways has your history-taking improved? Are you eliciting all the important information?
My history taking has improved in that it is more organized. I am able to ask questions that pertain to the problem the patient brings up before moving on to another topic. I have also found that at my last hospital visit, I was able to follow the ROS way easier than the first time and found the relevant questions much quicker.
- In what ways has writing an HPI improved?
Although I received the same mark on my first and last H and P, I believe that my history taking has improved and I have been able to obtain the information needed in a more efficient and organized way. I felt that I was missing less pertinent negatives in the last H and P compared with the first.
- What is your self-assessment of your current skill in performing a physical exam? Which areas do you feel strongest about/weakest about?
I feel strong in assessing the ears, nose, and throat compared with the heart and lungs. I feel that I need more practice in those areas to understand what it is that I am actually listening to and what the normal is versus the abnormal.
- Of course we expect you to get stronger in all areas, but which of the specific areas will you target as needing particular focus in future patient visits when you start the clinical year?
I hope to get a better understanding of the heart and lungs. I would like to be able to listen to a patients heart and lungs and know what that something is normal versus abnormal at the very least.